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Yummy Cupcake 10 Jan 2022에 추가됨 274번 플레이됨 일인용, 수학, 마우스 스킬, 음식, 요리, Food Serving, 케이크, HTML5, Y8 계정, 모바일, 터치스크린, Y8 저장, Y8 스크린샷, Y8 도전과제, 청소

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게임 설명:

Yummy Cupcake is a fun yummy and tasty cupcake game for all. Have you ever tried preparing tasty cupcakes ever, if no do not worry, this game is here for all ages. You can make yummy and tasty cupcakes and serve them to the customers and have fun. So for this, you have to follow the simple steps, like cleaning, sorting, collecting, backing, icing and serving. So as for the tasklist, clean the premises and sort the cupcakes, collect the items, fill the batter, bake them to cake, decorate with the tasty and crispy toppings and serve the customer with loads of love. As we have some things to look after, customers will pay you, so be sure with the order and time, that's it here is your game. One more advantage here is, this game help to improve your math too. Play more cooking games only on y8.com

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