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Villain Princess Romantic vs Tough 22 Nov 2019에 추가됨 138번 플레이됨 일인용, 옷 입히기, 공주, HTML5, 터치스크린, Bitent

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게임 설명:

Play this new fun game called Villain Princess Romantic vs Tough to help the pretty villain get ready for a date. She can't decide what to wear, should she have the usual bad girl look or should she explore a more romantic style outfit? Play this game and help her decide. Start with the tough villain look and choose a hairstyle, then look inside her wardrobe to create her outfit. Make sure to accessorize it at the end. Now it's time to create Harley's romantic look, she is going to a date after all, so maybe this should be the right choice. Make sure she looks absolutely adorable, so choose the most fabulous dress. Harley also needs a makeup and if you still haven't decided which look to choose for her, you can mix them both! Have fun playing Villain Princess Romantic vs Tough!

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