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Trace Room Escape 17 Oct 2022에 추가됨 63번 플레이됨 퍼즐, 일인용, 탈출, WebGL, 두뇌

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게임 설명:

Trace is a Room Escape game where you find yourself trapped in a strange alien planet, and must solve the hidden puzzles to escape! Look around the room in search for clues and objects that you can use to unlock locks, drawers and the door. Will you be able to escape from the Trace Room? Enjoy playing this game here at Y8.com!

Camera: Press the camera button to take a photograph of your current view. You can view the pictures you’ve taken in the Notes tab.
Notes: Press the notes button to open the notes tab. The pencil and eraser tool will let you mark down your own notes and drawings.
Save / Load: This game features an auto-save feature. The game will automatically save at certain progress points. Press the Resume button in the start menu to resume your game.

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