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Tank Wars 26 Sep 2018에 추가됨 602번 플레이됨 아케이드, 이인용, 일인용, 전쟁, 장비 구입 업그레이드, 탱크, HTML5, Y8 계정, 모바일, 터치스크린, Y8 하이스코어, Y8 저장

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게임 설명:

Welcome to the best HTML5 tank game, Tank Wars! Defend your base from enemy tanks. Make sure that they won't shoot and destroy your base. There are 3 difficulties that you can choose from this game and each difficulty has 120 stages! Talk about hours of gameplay! You can play it solo or with your friend in 2 player mode. There are some power ups that will spawn around the area so better watch out for that because it help you with your battle. Earn badges/ranks as you play along the game so you can upgrade your tank for better play! Earn as many points as you can by killing all enemy tanks and you might end up having your name in the leaderboard!

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