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Solitaire Farm Seasons 3 11 Jul 2024에 추가됨 1번 플레이됨 일인용, 카드, 농장, HTML5, 모바일, 터치스크린, 솔리테어

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게임 설명:

Solitaire Farm: Seasons 3, the highly anticipated sequel, continues the charming farm theme of Seasons 1 and 2 with incredible 3,400+ levels! Train your brain with diverse solitaire puzzles while enjoying country life. Explore new scenes and travel to new countries. Grow new crops such as Gooseberry, Foxgloves, Celery, Papyrus, Loquat, Prickly Pears, Berseem, and Blackberries. Enjoy stunning visuals and engaging gameplay in this delightful solitaire adventure! Move cards one point higher or lower than the discard stack, clearing cards to reveal new ones. If stuck, draw from the spare stack. Between levels, manage your farm: plant crops, harvest for coins, unlock features, complete daily missions, spin the Wheel of Fortune, and customize your farmhouse. Return daily for rewards! Enjoy playing this solitaire card game here at Y8.com!

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