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Shoot Your Nightmare: The Beginning 12 Mar 2021에 추가됨 1,112번 플레이됨 일인용, 좀비, 일인칭 슈팅, 3D, , 몬스터, WebGL, 생존 호러

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게임 설명:

Shoot Your Nightmare: The Beginning is a 3D shooting game of monsters and zombies. In this game you are a war veteran and experiencing PTSD. When your arrived home on 2013, you started to have terrible flashbacks and nightmares and this is one of them! You need to control your dream and in order for you to do that, you'll need to collect 12 working clocks in your dream. Shoot or hack any zombies and monsters that will stand in your way. You need to escape... you need to wake up!

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이 게임은 시리즈의 일부입니다 :Shoot Your Nightmare

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