Rogue Fable III combines the challenge, tactics and strategy of classic rogue likes with a modern interface and graphics. Designed from the ground up to be beatable in a single hour, but with a huge variety between runs.
게임 컨트롤
- Shift + clicking your character will perform extended rest
- the num pad keys can be used for movement
- 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. are used to quick cast your abilities
- [a] is used toggle targeting mode w/ the keyboard i.e. you can use the numpad to move the cursor (useful for ranged attacks)
- [w] is used to swap between your current weapon and previous weapon
- [e] is used for auto explore
- [tab] is used to auto attack the nearest enemy
- [q] is used to auto attack with your quick slot weapon.
- [esc] will cancel abilities, items, and close menus.