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Rabbit Hole 17 Mar 2024에 추가됨 4번 플레이됨 격투, 일인용, 장비 구입 업그레이드, 플랫폼, 몬스터, HTML5, 픽셀

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게임 설명:

"Rabbit Hole" plunges players into a whirlwind of action and adventure, blending elements of 2D platforming, rogue-like exploration, and intense shooting gameplay. In this game, players assume the role of Disc, a character who finds themselves inexplicably transported into the depths of the Rabbit Hole—a mysterious and dangerous realm. As Disc, players embark on a perilous journey downwards, navigating through ever-changing landscapes filled with formidable enemies and unexpected challenges. The game’s fast-paced nature demands quick reflexes and strategic thinking, as each descent is fraught with new dangers and the layout of the Rabbit Hole shifts with every playthrough. The arsenal at your disposal grows as you collect an array of firearms scattered throughout the Rabbit Hole. These weapons are crucial for survival, offering a diverse range of offensive capabilities to combat the myriad of foes that stand in your path. Each gun possesses unique attributes and effects, encouraging players to adapt their play style and strategies to the ever-evolving challenges they face. Have fun playing this adventure game here at Y8.com!

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