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Muscle Challenge 20 May 2024에 추가됨 3번 플레이됨 격투, 일인용, 함정, 장비 구입 업그레이드, 장애물, 달리기, WebGL

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게임 설명:

Muscle Challenge transforms bodybuilding into an engaging and competitive game. This unique game lets you navigate through levels in a single-player mode or challenge a friend in thrilling two-player races. As you play, your objective is to consume protein and healthy foods to build strength, while avoiding harmful foods and obstacles like walls that you must break through. As you progress, you gain muscle and power, which are crucial for defeating increasingly tough enemies at the end of each race. The game’s difficulty escalates with each level, requiring you to continually improve your strategy and enhance your character’s physical capabilities. Muscle Challenge makes fitness fun by combining the excitement of video games with the principles of bodybuilding, creating a dynamic experience that tests both your reflexes and your nutritional choices. Have fun playing this game here at Y8.com!

게임 컨트롤

Single Player Mode:
Hit the Boss: “MOUSE LEFT-CLICK” or “SPACE”
In 2 player game mode:
Player 1:
Move “A, D”
Player 2:

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