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Minecraft Fun Coloring Book 20 Jun 2024에 추가됨 2번 플레이됨 일인용, 교육용, 아동용, 마우스 스킬, 색칠하기, 안드로이드, HTML5, 모바일, 아이폰, 아이패드, 터치스크린, 복셀

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게임 설명:

Minecraft Fun Coloring Book is a great educational and kids game. Before you will be seen a book of coloring in which scenes from the life of various inhabitants of this world will be seen. All of them will be executed in black and white colors. You will need to choose one of the pictures. From the bottom there will be a panel with paints and brushes. You will need to select a color and apply it to a specific area in the picture. Enjoy playing this fun coloring game here at Y8.com!

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