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Jelly Merge 29 May 2024에 추가됨 28번 플레이됨 퍼즐, 일인용, 장애물, 3D, 블럭, WebGL, 두뇌

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게임 설명:

A colorful and exciting puzzle game awaits us on the other side of the screen in Jelly Merge 3D! Are you ready to have a great time as you solve this simple and addictive puzzle challenge? Move the vibrantly colored jelly cubes correctly through each level in order to merge them with all their same-colored companions and avoid all the obstacles that stand in your way. There are over 70 increasingly complex levels waiting for you, each with a unique design! Exercise your intuition and test your spatial vision if you want to win. Enjoy playing this puzzle game here at Y8.com!

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