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Insta Divas Party Night 11 Apr 2021에 추가됨 220번 플레이됨 일인용, 옷 입히기, HTML5, 모바일, 터치스크린, Bitent

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게임 설명:

It's party night once again and the lovely group of girls who are also Instagram influencers are getting ready for the biggest party of the year! Aside from looking absolutely amazing, these girls have to post back to their followers everything that's happening on sight! It means tons of selfies and videos while at the party! Will you be the expert on dress and help each of the girls find the perfect party outfit? It has to be sparkly, daring, and unique! Could you help them? In the wardrobes, you'll find the most extravagant clothing pieces! Glitzy dresses, party shirts, shorts, crop tops or lacey blouses, leather jackets, and flashy statement pieces of jewelry! Now it's the time to prove your fashion adviser skills! Have fun playing this fun girl game here at Y8.com!

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