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Hyper Cars Ramp Crash 22 Jun 2024에 추가됨 10번 플레이됨 이인용, 일인용, 시뮬레이션, 함정, 장비 구입 업그레이드, 레이싱, 자동차, 장애물, 스턴트, 3D, WebGL, 아드레날린, 익스트림 스포츠

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게임 설명:

"Hyper Cars Ramp Crash" is a 3D stunt and crash simulation game with realistic physics and graphics. You can perform incredible stunts in many different modes with great looking cars. 7 different super-sport car models are waiting in the garage for you to try them. Open world, stunt modes and fall mode can be played in 1-player and 2-player modes. Enjoy playing this exciting car racing and driving game here at Y8.com!

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