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Hot Dog Bush 02 Dec 2007에 추가됨 1,522,421번 플레이됨 일인용, Flash, 햄버거, 음식, 요리, Food Serving, HTML5, 레스토랑, Y8 계정, 모바일, 터치스크린, Y8 하이스코어, Y8 저장

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게임 설명:

Hot Dog Bush is one of the most iconic Flash games ever made. Once you start cooking those hot dogs, you forget everything else. Keep those customers happy by giving them the hot dog of their dreams. All the condiments dripping off, they will leave you the biggest tip ever. Start your hot dog stand now and return to your former glory.

게임 컨트롤

Click, drag and drop or point and click with your mouse to pick up, place and serve food to customers.
Remember, you have to wait till the hot dogs, burgers, onions and fries are done before you serve. The items will flash (glow) when ready. Don’t wait too long, or the items will burn. Serve raw or burnt food and you’ll be penalized. Click on the food item multiple times to add it on. Pick up money from the counter to clear the way for new customers.
Keep your eye on the clock you only have limited time to meet your daily goals. Keep your customers happy and they’ll reward you with more cash.

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