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Freefall Tournament 19 Dec 2014에 추가됨 36,363번 플레이됨 멀티플레이어, 우주, 저격수, 3D, 로켓, , Y8 계정, WebGL, Y8 하이스코어, 아드레날린, 3인칭 슈팅 게임

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하루에 한번만 투표할 수 있습니다.
죄송합니다. 오늘 너무 많은 게임에 이미 투표했습니다!
죄송합니다. 알 수 없는 오류가 발생했습니다. 나중에 다시 투표해 주세요.
투표: 이 게임이 마음이 드나요?

게임 설명:

The year 2027 brought hope to a world on the brink of environmental and political collapse. On the last leg of its funding, NATO's United Space Mission (USM) made a discovery on the moon that changed the course of human history. A large alloyed sphere, found nestled in a crater under the lunar dawn, is revealed to be an alien artifact containing a message for mankind. As an international team slowly deciphered the artifact, the content of this message began catalyzing a huge leap forward in our sciences. Humanity was abruptly catapulted into a new interstellar age. There are those who now believe we were not ready.

Intense, fast-paced, team combat. Animation and camera control that make you feel like a space marine...super human. Have it all: jetpacks, armor, hammers, swords, guns, bombs, in melee, ranged, and aerial combat. Tanks smashing with hammers, deadly Scouts slashing their enemies down the middle with their katana, different jetpacks for every class create dynamic aerial combat, Gunners sniping from across the map, and Tech healing and dueling while laying down turrets. Even throw f-bombs! All class specific jetpacks allow you to hop and bound across the map gaining momentum and speed.

Your team's combined skill and coordination determine the winner of this tournament. Choose to fight as one of a growing cast of classes battling in 10-20 minute matches. Please try it out, it is not like other shooters.

게임 컨트롤

WASD (or arrow keys) + mouse moves character
Space – activates jetpack for jump
Left Shift – jetpack thrust down
Left click fires primary weapon
Right click target locks reticle when on target
1, 2 – switch weapons
R – reload / special
Q – special character specific power
E – melee attack / secondary power
F – bomb
T – text chat, G for team chat
C – changes class on respawn
Tab – shows teams info
O – options menu, graphics res and full screen
Y – vote yes to resign
N – vote to not resign
Enter or Return – respawns

You can also reconfigure the controls by going to [O]ptions and selecting Configure Keys at the bottom.

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