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Ever After High Dolls #kidcore 21 Jun 2022에 추가됨 70번 플레이됨 일인용, 마우스 스킬, 옷 입히기, HTML5, 메이크오버/메이크업, 모바일, 터치스크린, Bitent

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게임 설명:

kidcore is a style reminiscent of 90s nostalgia. A colourful clothing style and more, #kidcore comes with brightly coloured outfits inspired by childhood toys. Without hesitation, these cool Ever After High dolls decided to surprise their friends and colleagues by choosing some colourful #kidcore outfits. Both the clothes and the accessories remind us of our childhood years and take you back a few decades.The make-up doesn't let up either. You'll discover a brightly coloured range of make-up that's sure to make anyone on the street turn their head. Play this new dress up game and step into the world of kidcore with the wonderful Ever High Dolls!

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