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Earth Taken 3 (12.8 MB) 23 Dec 2015에 추가됨 184번 플레이됨 일인용, Flash, 외계인, 사이드 스크롤링,

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하루에 한번만 투표할 수 있습니다.
죄송합니다. 오늘 너무 많은 게임에 이미 투표했습니다!
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투표: 이 게임이 마음이 드나요?

게임 설명:

The third part of a post-apocalyptic action-shooter set in the midst of an alien invasion. Most humans and animals have already been wiped off the planet, the ecosystem has been altered to suit the needs of the aliens, and the air has been made unbreathable for most earth creatures, including humans. In Earth Taken 3 you start off as one of the many humans taken prisoner by the aliens. They will brainwash you and turn you into a mindless soldier to fight against your own kind. Your mission: Escape and survive!

게임 컨트롤

Arrow Keys = move/aim
Spacebar = interact
A = shoot
S = jump
S + S = double jump
R = reload
Q = toggle weapons
E = eat a food ration
X = take anti-radiation medicine
P or ESC = Pause and in-game menu

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이 게임은 시리즈의 일부입니다 :Earth Taken

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