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Downward 10 Nov 2022에 추가됨 32번 플레이됨 일인용, Shoot 'Em Up, 장애물, HTML5, 터치스크린, 물리, 픽셀

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게임 설명:

What's at the bottom of the pit in Downward? Could be anything! Could be everything! Your task is to find it out. Press either button to jump into the pit. Use left and right arrow keys or d-pad to drift during free fall. Press either button to fire downward, launching yourself up! Do not run into blocks of dirt.
Do not run into the insectoid inhabitants of the Pit. Do not let them spit acid on you. Shoot both blocks and insects to destroy them. Hug the sides of the pit to fall slower. Enjoy playing this game here at Y8.com!

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