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Croquet Conundrum 23 Sep 2024에 추가됨 5번 플레이됨 퍼즐, 일인용, 구기 종목, 골프, 마우스 스킬, WebGL, 두뇌

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게임 설명:

Croquet Conundrum is an intriguing puzzle game created by https://lummie-thief.itch.io/ that offers a unique twist on the classic sport of croquet. In this game, players navigate a ball through a series of interconnected islands using pipes as pathways. The objective is to hit the ball through these pipes to traverse the world and solve puzzles along the way. To fully understand the game mechanics and rules, players are encouraged to start by reading the in-game Almanac, accessible via a book icon. This feature provides essential instructions and guidelines for gameplay. Croquet Conundrum combines elements of strategy, spatial reasoning, and problem-solving, challenging players to think creatively as they maneuver the ball through increasingly complex pipe systems. With its innovative concept and puzzle-based gameplay, Croquet Conundrum offers a fresh and engaging experience for fans of both puzzle games and unique sports adaptations.

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