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Bubble Shooter Tale 24 Nov 2020에 추가됨 214번 플레이됨 일인용, 매칭, Match 3, 버블 슈터, WebGL

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게임 설명:

Bubble Shooter Tale is a classic bubble shooter adventure with 70 challenging levels. Your goal is to make combinations of 3 or more bubbles to make them pop. Its fun and easy and each level has its own goal so try to complete this goal to go to the next level and score enough points to earn 3 stars. There are 4 useful powerups to help, The Super aim which lengthens your shooting time. An arrow - Rainbow bubble which matches with any bubble. a horizontal bomb which destroys the entire row touched. Then the circle bomb which destroys the circle around the touched row. Enjoy playing Bubble Shooter Tale game here at Y8.com!

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