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Blocky Challenges 27 May 2024에 추가됨 4번 플레이됨 일인용, 장비 구입 업그레이드, 마우스 스킬, 장애물, 사이드 스크롤링, HTML5, 블럭, 아이폰, 아이패드, 터치스크린, 터치

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투표해 주셔서 감사합니다. 귀하의 투표가 저장되었으며 잠시 후 표시됩니다.
하루에 한번만 투표할 수 있습니다.
죄송합니다. 오늘 너무 많은 게임에 이미 투표했습니다!
죄송합니다. 알 수 없는 오류가 발생했습니다. 나중에 다시 투표해 주세요.
투표: 이 게임이 마음이 드나요?

게임 설명:

A friend is one who will not leave in trouble, will always tell the truth and will not ask too much. If you have it, then you are very lucky, because there are never many friends. Our hero in the game Blocky Challenges also has friends and they will come to his aid if you call them. The red block with funny eyes sets off on a journey full of all sorts of obstacles. Block did not at all think that he had no opportunity to jump over even the smallest bump, not exactly a high obstacle. But the hero will succeed. Because as soon as you click and the required number of blocks will be formed under it, which will raise it to the required height. Enjoy playing this game here at Y8.com!

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